Found A Deed I Have Been Needing


This Deed is a document that is connected to my 3rd great grandmother Lovey Chapman. Born about 1823 and she passed around 1895.  Her parents were Stephen Chapman (1789 - 1832 and Eliza Louisa "Luliza" Adams (1804 - 1891). She was married twice. Her first husband was Richard Laughinghouse (1814-1858) and her second husband was my 3rd great grandfather William Haddock (1822-1885). 

She had 8 children with her first husband and two with her second husband. Her daughter Lovie Haddock was my 2nd great grandmother. 

I was able to find this deed that she made on June 1, 1889 in Chicod Township, Pitt County, North Carolina. I am not sure who Henry Haddock is that she is selling ALL of her land to but with some more research I should be able to find out. But she is selling this 150 acres to him BUT she is keeping a lifetime estate in it. Which means that he will take care of her and let her continue to live on this land until she passes and then at her death, everything goes to him. 

I was very please that the old Pitt County Real Estate Records are online. Some of these records go back to 1762!!! 

Unfortunately though two of the old deed books are missing and no one knows what happened to them. They are Deed Book A and Deed Book FF. 


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