A Reintroduction
Hey Everyone! I am back after many years of forgetting how to get into this blog! So much has happened since I started this blog. I have been divorced. I also had my paternal grandmother pass away in 2014. I have had cancer twice, with two surgeries and radiation. My Mama passed away in 2020 as well. I have also taken up coaching cheerleading. But through it all I have never stopped doing my family research.
I had friends ask me to help them, as well as co-workers. I have traced one line or several lines of their family trees. I have now done research in Canada, Mexico, England, Wales, Ireland, Scotland, Germany, France and The Netherlands.
I did publish a book for my dad about our direct Parrish line.
Now that I know how to get into this blog again, I will keep posting. I am now working on a project with a dear friend of mine named Sameerah.
She contacted me not too long ago asking me to help her with her family history. She gave me what I needed to start with and off I started. We have found some cool stuff as well as some sad stuff about her family. For the next several months, I will be blogging about this research and how it has led us to doing a project that we are both excited about! Stay tuned!
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