
Hello again everyone. Sorry I have been away for so long but you know how life can be, you get tugged in a thousand different directions. Anyways, I am writing today about some experiences I have had lately.
First, I have met two people through the Pitt County Historical Society who were doing research on my Nobles line and found out one of them has also done research on the Davenport line as well. I have enjoyed sharing information with these two people very much.
I also managed to get over to Nash County NC and get pictures of the gravestones and the house of the Nobles Family. In so doing, I found the grandparents of my grandmother Julia Page Parrish. That was exciting. Attached are pictures of their graves.
Also I was able to make a breakthrough with my Rawls line(maternal line) thanks to one of the researchers I was put into touch with by the Pitt County Historical Society.
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