Running into uh oh's

In my previous post I mentioned how the flood of 1999 from Hurricane Dennis and Floyd destroyed records that were in the courthouse in Edgecombe County. It turns out that the state archives does have records for Edgecombe County during the period I am looking for. However, I will have to sit through a lot of microfilm/microfische until I find what I need. So needless to say I may be sitting there for a few hours.

There are many other courthouses not only in North Carolina but across the country, especially here in the South, where courthouse records have been lost to floods and fires.

Do not let this get you down. Look for other avenues to explore. Locate church records, graveyards, school records, check and see if your local libraries have any records. I know NC State University Library has many old books that record wills and census information and other important documents concerning the state of NC and its citizens.

So keep trekking on.


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